Tag Archives: EGI

EGI conference 2019


The EGI Conference 2019 “Shaping the future of advanced computing” will take place in Science Park Amsterdam, 6-8 May 2019 and is the opportunity for research communities, IT-service providers, technology providers, members and partners of EGI to get together, present and co-design services for advanced computing in Europe.

The conference will focus on the technical and operational evolution of the EGI Federation and its services, with a programme structured around workshops, interactive and hands-on sessions.

The event provides a perfect opportunity for existing and emerging user communities of EGI Federation services to present and discuss use cases, usage experiences and to get expert support from EGI service providers.

EGI conference 2017


The EGI Conference 2017 will take place in Catania, Italy, between 9-12 May 2017. The EGI Conference 2017 will be held in partnership with the INDIGO Summit 2017 and both events are hosted by INFN-Catania.

More information will be added to the events’ website over the next few weeks. Registration is scheduled to open at the end of January and a draft programme will be also online around the same time.

EGI Conference and INDIGO Summit website: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/3249/

DIRAC system for EGI communities webinar

Logo EGI.eu

On the 7th of June (next Tuesday) from 3pm Amsterdam time, Andrei Tsaregorodtsev (CNRS) and Victor Mendez (UoBarcelona) will give the next EGI Webinar, titled DIRAC system for EGI communities.

Further information and connection link is available at https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/2978/
Event abstract:

The DIRAC Project is providing a framework for building distributed computing systems and applications with high computating and storage/data demands. Services based on this framework are available for the EGI users since 2014 (at http://dirac.egi.eu/). during the webinar the main capabilities of the system will be introduced and demonstrated.

The DIRAC4EGI service includes a powerful Workload and Data Management System that is able to handle user payloads running on any EGI grid and cloud resource, as well as on other computing resources (such as institutional clusters). The key capabilities of the system are:

– The DIRAC job scheduler uses the “pilot job” paradigm which ensures high efficiency and fast turn-around of user tasks both on local and on remote computers.
– A versatile File Catalog component keeps track of file locations and replicas and allows the description of data with user defined metadata for efficient data searches.
– Services are accessible with friendly user interfaces: a Web Portal, a rich set of command line tools and a Python API. Through these interfaces the user can ineract with distributed resources as they were a single large computer.
– A RESTful service interface is also available for the use by existing application gateways and portals.

DI4R 2016 Call for participation

The Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R 2016) will be held in Kraków on 28-30 September 2016. The conference is organised jointly by EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and RDA Europe.

The Programme Committee is inviting “all the stakeholders including funding agencies, the research communities and the infrastructure providers, both public and private, to come together and share their insights, concerns, needs and vision for the future.”

The call for participation is now open.

Dates and deadlines

6 April – Announcement of the Call for Participation
1 May – Online submission opens
3 June – Deadline for submission (full sessions, single presentations, demonstrations