2015 key numbers
(last update: december 2015)
Cloud infrastructure
- 9 academic clouds (1 planned for 2016)
- 6 academic clouds in production
- 1 site integrated to the EGI federated cloud
- Available computing resources: 2000 cores
- Available storage resources: 100 TB
Grid infrastructure
- 12 grid sites in production
- Available computing resources: 41231 cores
- Available disk storage resources: 24.2 PB
- Number of normalised CPU-hours (KSI2K) provided by France within EGI: 645 Millions, representing 13.9% of all resources
French contribution to EGI compared to other countries (source: EGI accounting portal, http://accounting.egi.eu)
Repartition among french sites of France contribution to EGI
Distribution of grid users per scientific discipline
France normalized CPU time for the 10 largest Virtual Organizations
Geographical origin of the users of French resources
Geographical origin of resources used by “French” users (i.e. users with a certificate issued by the French CA)
- Availability (overall percentage of time during which all grid services of a given site are up and running): >99%
- Reliability (percentage of time during which all grid services of a given site are up and running when they are supposed to, i.e. without taking into account maintenances and planed unavailability): >99%
Scientific Production: see http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/FRANCE-GRILLES