Category Archives: Succes Days

SUCCES days 2017


16-17th October 2017

France Grilles, GRID’5000, the “Groupe Calcul” and the GDR RSD and the HPC regional centers organize the “2017” edition of the French speaking SUCCES Days: scientific meeting of grid, cloud, storage and regional centres’ users.
The meeting’s objective is to present:
– scientific works, in all disciplines, realised with grid, cloud or regional centres.
– evolution of tools, infrastructures and IT provides opportunities for users with the help of research in computer science.

SUCCES Days will take place in October 16-17th at GRICAD in Grenoble (France). Registration is free but mandatory to attend. They will be webcasted.

SUCCES days 2016


The GIS France Grilles and GRID’5000, the “Groupe Calcul” and the GDR RSD and the HPC regional centers organizes the “2016” edition of the French speacking SUCCES Days: scientific meeting of grid, cloud, storage  and mesocenters users.

SUCCES Days will take place in November 23-24th at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris.

They will be webcasted.

The meeting’s objective is:
– scientific works, in all disciplines, realised with grid, cloud or mesocenters.
– evolution of tools, infrastructures and IT provides opportunities for users with the help of research in computer science.

2016 Succes days

France Grilles

The GIS France Grilles and GRID’5000, the “Groupe Calcul” and the GDR RSD and the HPC regional centers organizes SUCCES Days: scientific meeting of grid, cloud and mesocenters users.

SUCCES Days will take place in November 23-24th at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris.

The meeting’s objective is:
– scientific works, in all disciplines, realised with grid, cloud or mesocenters.
– evolution of tools, infrastructures and IT provides opportunities for users with the help of research in computer science.

Save the date!

SUCCES Days 2015

France Grilles

The GIS France Grilles and GRID’5000, the “Groupe Calcul” and the GDR ASR and the HPC regional centers organizes SUCCES Days: scientific meeting of grid, cloud and mesocenters users.

SUCCES Days will take place in November 5-6th at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris.

The meeting’s objective is double :
– scientific works, in all disciplines, realised with grid, cloud or mesocenters.
– evolution of tools, infrastructures and IT provides opportunities for users .

The registration and the projected program are available here.

France Grilles Awards 2011

France Grilles

Image du prix


The scientific committee of France Grilles awarded

the first prize to:

Utilisation de grilles de calcul pour la génomique comparative” – presented by Simon Penel, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive

Watch the video (in French)

the second prize to:

CTACG – CTA Computing Grid” – presented by Komin Nukri, Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules

Watch the video (in French)

Le programm committee awarded

the “Poster” prize to:

gLite sur Grid’5000: vers une plate-forme d’expérimentation à taille réelle pour les grilles de production” Sébastien Badia, Lucas Nussbaum

image du poster