Tag Archives: Administrator

EGI conference 2019


The EGI Conference 2019 “Shaping the future of advanced computing” will take place in Science Park Amsterdam, 6-8 May 2019 and is the opportunity for research communities, IT-service providers, technology providers, members and partners of EGI to get together, present and co-design services for advanced computing in Europe.

The conference will focus on the technical and operational evolution of the EGI Federation and its services, with a programme structured around workshops, interactive and hands-on sessions.

The event provides a perfect opportunity for existing and emerging user communities of EGI Federation services to present and discuss use cases, usage experiences and to get expert support from EGI service providers.

JCAD, computing and data days, 24-26 October 2018

JCAD, computing and data days

France Grilles, GRID’5000, the “Groupe Calcul” , the GDR RSD, GENCI and the Equipex EQUIP@MESO partners are organising together the JCAD, computing and data days: Scientific and technical meeting of computing and data.

The meeting’s objective is to present:
– scientific works, in all disciplines, realised with HPC, HTC and cloud.
– technical work and evolution of tools, infrastructures and services related to HPC, HTC, and cloud.
– research in computer science in these domains.

JCAD are dedicated to users, technical experts of HPC, HTC and cloud infrastructures and related services. All the program content will be webcasted.
JCAD will take place in October 24-26th at “ENS de Lyon”.


8th DIRAC User Workshop


The 8th DIRAC User Workshop, will take place May 22nd-25th in Lyon, France. CC-IN2P3 will host the event. A preliminary agenda will be set up in https://indico.cern.ch/event/676817/. The registration to the event is already open. We will try to keep participation to the workshop free of charge.

The workshop will start in the late morning of Tuesday, May 22nd (May 21st is holiday in France) and at least the last day, of Friday 25th will be fully dedicated to hacking sessions, and Q&A.

The workshop will be devoted to information exchange between DIRAC developers, service administrators and users. New users, as well as experienced administrators and developers are welcome in the workshop.

As for previous years, communities will be asked to report about their use of DIRAC. Tutorials on administration and development, as well as a public hacking session will be part of the program.

As always, we encourage everybody to suggest items to the workshop agenda.

Message from Federico Stagni

EGI Open Data Platform webinar 17th of May 15

Logo EGI.eu

EGI is organising a webinar to introduce the Open Data Platform (ODP), a new solution to manage data in a distributed enviroment currently in prototyping phase.

It has been scheduled for:
Tue 17th of May 15:00 – 16:00 CEST

During the webinar, the ODP architecture will be depicted and its main features introduced.

The webinar will be oriented to communities, that need to manage big datasets in a distributed environement, and resource providers interested on evalute the platform.

More information and connection details are available in the agenda page:

You should register to participate to the meeting.

DI4R 2016 Call for participation

The Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R 2016) will be held in Kraków on 28-30 September 2016. The conference is organised jointly by EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and RDA Europe.

The Programme Committee is inviting “all the stakeholders including funding agencies, the research communities and the infrastructure providers, both public and private, to come together and share their insights, concerns, needs and vision for the future.”

The call for participation is now open.

Dates and deadlines

6 April – Announcement of the Call for Participation
1 May – Online submission opens
3 June – Deadline for submission (full sessions, single presentations, demonstrations