Life Sciences
Official launching of the Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP ) on*December 14th 2012
The Virtual Imaging Platform VIP project organizes a workshop for the official launching of the platform on December 14th 2012 in Lyon, France
See the announce below:
Subject: Invitation to the VIP workshop on December 14th
Dear GATE-Lab and VIP users,
The Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP ) project organizes a workshop for the official launching of the platform on December 14th 2012 in Lyon, France.
The program (see details ) consists of three sessions, “medical simulation”, “science gateways for medical simulation” and “sharing information for medical simulation” with invited talks from European initiatives, presentation of VIP tools, and hands-on sessions.
You are very welcome to attend to share your experience and ideas, and to learn more about existing and coming features of VIP, and related European initiatives.
Registration is free but limited to the 80 first registrants. To register,email with subject “Registration to the VIP workshop” before*December 1st*.
A “user forum” session of 45 minutes is also organized, where you are invited to present your work produced with or related to the platform. If you wish to participate then please send a short abstract to before*November 16th*. Travel expenses of 2 to 3 selected contributions will be covered.