Animation team

Vincent Breton Vincent Breton (CNRS)
Send an email to Vincent Breton
David Bouvet (CNRS) (CNRS)
LCF France representative
Send an email to David Bouvet
Laurent Caillat-Vallet Laurent Caillat-Vallet (CNRS)
Security Officer
Send an email to Laurent Caillat-Vallet
Alexandre Dehne Garcia Alexandre Dehne Garcia (Inrae)
Send an email to Alexandre Dehne Garcia
Cyril L'Orphelin Cyril L’Orphelin (CNRS)
Operations Portal
Send an email to Cyril L’Orphelin
Gilles Mathieu Gilles Mathieu (INSERM)
Send an email to Gilles Mathieu
Jérôme Pansanel Jérôme Pansanel (CNRS)
Technical director
Send an email to Jerome Pansanel
Sorina Camarasu Pop Sorina Camarasu Pop (CNRS, Laboratoire Creatis)
Biomed community representative
Écrire à Sorina Camarasu Pop
Cyrille TOULET Cyrille TOULET (Université de Lille)
FG-Cloud coordination
Écrire à Cyrille TOULET