All posts by Geneviève Romier
launching of the Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP )
Life Sciences
Official launching of the Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP ) on*December 14th 2012
The Virtual Imaging Platform VIP project organizes a workshop for the official launching of the platform on December 14th 2012 in Lyon, France
See the announce below:
Subject: Invitation to the VIP workshop on December 14th
Dear GATE-Lab and VIP users,
The Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP ) project organizes a workshop for the official launching of the platform on December 14th 2012 in Lyon, France.
The program (see details ) consists of three sessions, “medical simulation”, “science gateways for medical simulation” and “sharing information for medical simulation” with invited talks from European initiatives, presentation of VIP tools, and hands-on sessions.
You are very welcome to attend to share your experience and ideas, and to learn more about existing and coming features of VIP, and related European initiatives.
Registration is free but limited to the 80 first registrants. To register,email with subject “Registration to the VIP workshop” before*December 1st*.
A “user forum” session of 45 minutes is also organized, where you are invited to present your work produced with or related to the platform. If you wish to participate then please send a short abstract to before*November 16th*. Travel expenses of 2 to 3 selected contributions will be covered.
second scientific French speaking meeting of France Grilles 2012
The second scientific French speaking meeting of France Grilles was taking place in Paris (1st – 3rd October). It has been co organised with the “Groupe Calcul” and hold simultaneously with the University and regional HPC competences center day. All the presentations have been webcasted and are now available online.
EGI Technical Forum 2012
The EGI Community Forum was taking place on 26-30 March in Munich
2012 HealthGrid conference
Life Science
HealthGrid 2012 International Workshop on Science Gateways for LifeSciences 21-23 May 2012
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Earth & Space Science
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly have been held in Vienna (Austria), 23-27 April 2012
A session was dedicated to distributed computing:
Earth & Space Science Informatics Division ESSI2.10:Earth Sciences on Cloud, HPC and Grid
Thursday 26 April 2012 – 13h30- 17h oral presentations and discussion, 17h30-19h poster session
EGI was present on a booth.
EGI Community Forum 2012
The EGI Community Forum was taking place on 26-30 March in Munich
Applications and tools developed
Applications and tools are developed in the France Grilles partners labs to be used on its infrastructure. France Grilles is currently referencing them on the Plume server.
France Grilles software on Plume Feather
On the Plume website, you can find software and tools useful for grid infrastructures, used by the Higher Education and Research community.
France Grilles uses Plume to reference used software on distributed infrastructures, based on the topic ‘distributed computing, grid, cloud’.
France Grilles- specific keywords were put in place to allow you to find easily software released on the production infrastructure or used by the France Grilles communities.
Within the ‘distributed computing, grids, cloud’ topic you will find the referencing of software or tools developed by the community.