Applications and tools are developed in the France Grilles partners labs to be used on its infrastructure. France Grilles is currently referencing them on the Plume server.
Category Archives: Software
France Grilles software on Plume Feather
On the Plume website, you can find software and tools useful for grid infrastructures, used by the Higher Education and Research community.
France Grilles uses Plume to reference used software on distributed infrastructures, based on the topic ‘distributed computing, grid, cloud’.
France Grilles- specific keywords were put in place to allow you to find easily software released on the production infrastructure or used by the France Grilles communities.
Within the ‘distributed computing, grids, cloud’ topic you will find the referencing of software or tools developed by the community.
Operations Portal
The EGI Operations Portal is developed and hosted by the IN2P3 Computing Centre since November 2004. This application is used by different actors of EGI, namely regional operators and managers, resource center administrators, virtual community managers and any end users linked to this infrastructure.
The Operations Portal is based on the ‘actor’s view’ principle where each actor of the community has access to information, from an operational point of view, accordingly to his role in the project such as grid operators, who daily monitor the status of resources and grid services, researchers, who make use of the grid for their work, or VO/site/NGI managers.
The Operations Portal provides information to these various actors along with related facilities, such as the Virtual Organization administration tool, communication tools (the broadcast and downtime system) and dashboards (Operations dashboard, security dashboard, VO operations Dashboard) used in the daily operations.