The second scientific French speaking meeting of France Grilles was taking place in Paris (1st – 3rd October). It has been co organised with the “Groupe Calcul” and hold simultaneously with the University and regional HPC competences center day. All the presentations have been webcasted and are now available online.
Category Archives: FG-Succes
France Grilles Awards 2012
France Grilles Awards 2012
“Instance nationale et multi-communauté de DIRAC pour France Grilles” by Luisa Arrabito, David Bouvet, Sorina Camarasu-Pop, Yonny Cardenas, Nicolas Clémentin, Helene Cordier, Sophie Gallina, Jacques Garnier, Pierre Gay, Tristan Glatard, Vanessa Hamar, Claudia Lavalley, Gilles Mathieu, Matvey Sapunov, Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Andrei Tsaregorodtsev
France Grilles Awards 2011
The scientific committee of France Grilles awarded
the first prize to:
“Utilisation de grilles de calcul pour la génomique comparative” – presented by Simon Penel, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive
the second prize to:
“CTACG – CTA Computing Grid” – presented by Komin Nukri, Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-vieux de Physique des Particules
Le programm committee awarded
the “Poster” prize to:
“gLite sur Grid’5000: vers une plate-forme d’expérimentation à taille réelle pour les grilles de production” Sébastien Badia, Lucas Nussbaum
France Grilles Scientific days
France Grilles organized the first Scientific days in Lyon, France the 19th september 2011.
Operations Portal
The EGI Operations Portal is developed and hosted by the IN2P3 Computing Centre since November 2004. This application is used by different actors of EGI, namely regional operators and managers, resource center administrators, virtual community managers and any end users linked to this infrastructure.
The Operations Portal is based on the ‘actor’s view’ principle where each actor of the community has access to information, from an operational point of view, accordingly to his role in the project such as grid operators, who daily monitor the status of resources and grid services, researchers, who make use of the grid for their work, or VO/site/NGI managers.
The Operations Portal provides information to these various actors along with related facilities, such as the Virtual Organization administration tool, communication tools (the broadcast and downtime system) and dashboards (Operations dashboard, security dashboard, VO operations Dashboard) used in the daily operations.