Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) is based on the collaboration of more than 140 computing centres from 35 countries, of four experiments and numerous national and international projects. WLCG aims to construct and maintain a data storage and analysis infrastructure for the high energy physics community working on the Large Hadron Collider installed at CERN. A few dozen PB were produced and a few hundred thousand processors are used to analyse the data and for simulation.
WLCG persents informations to its collaboration partners on a website and addresses the general public through another website..
The LCG France contacts are Laurent Duflot and Catherine Biscarat.
The map below demonstrates the different LCG France sites :
Tier 1 : CC IN2P3 (Lyon)
Tiers 2 : AF CC IN2P3 (Lyon) – CPPM (Marseille) – GRIF (Ile de France) – IPHC (Strasbourg) – LAPP (Annecy) LPC (Clermont-Ferrand) – Subatech (Nantes)- LPSC (Grenoble)
Tiers 3 : IPNL (Lyon)