Competence Centres


EGI set up thematical Competence Centres (CC) to support high-impact Research Infrastructures/communities by joint development of customised services for these based on core EGI capabilities, by user engagement and training.

These Research Infrastructures and Competences Centres are :

ELIXIR is a pan-European RI supported by 17 European governments united in a vision to build a sustainable European infrastructure for biological information, supporting life science research and its translation to medicine, agriculture, bioindustries and society. In France the French Institute of Bioinformatics (IFB) participates in this CC.

BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium) primarily aims at establishing, operating, and developing a pan-European distributed research infrastructure of biobanks and biomolecular resources. The BBMRI CC facilitates the implementation of big data storage in combination with data analysis and data federation by integrating technologies from community projects, EGI and other e-Infrastructures.

MoBrain is A Competence Center to Serve Translational Research from Molecule to Brain. The main objective of the MoBrain Competence Center is to lower barriers for scientists to access modern e-Science solutions from micro to macro scales. MoBrain builds on grid- and cloud-based infrastructures and on the existing expertise available within WeNMR, N4U, and technology providers. In France, GNUBILA is member of this CC.

The grand vision for the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) is to facilitate long-term access to, and use of, all European Arts and Humanities digital research data. The DARIAH CC aims to widen the usage of the e-Infrastructures for Arts and Humanities research.

LifeWatch, Science and Technology Infrastructure for Research on Biodiversity and Ecosystems. EGI-LifeWatch Competence Center will support LifeWatch to make the best use of EGI’s resources, facilities and expertise. In France INRA is member of this CC.

The design of the next generation incoherent scatter radar system, EISCAT_3D introduces significant challenges in handling large-scale experimental data which will be massively generated at great speeds and volumes. The CC will build an e-Infrastructure to meet the requirements of the EISCAT_3D data system, will support the EISCAT science community in their acquisition, curation, access to and processing of the data, and will train data scientists who can explore new approaches to solve problems via new data-centric way of conceptualising, organising and carrying out research activities.

The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a long-term plan for the integration of national and transnational Research Infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe to provide seamless access to data, services and facilities. The CC aims to drive the future design of the use of grid and cloud for the integrated solid Earth Sciences research as part of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS). In France CNRS (IPGP and IdGC) are members of this CC.

The objective of the Disaster Mitigation CC is to make available customised IT services to support the climate and disaster mitigation researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the most serious natural disasters that affect Asia (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons) and to mitigate multi-hazards via data-intensive, e-Science techniques and collaborations.